Morgan Pudans
This week’s first Northway Spotlight is Morgan Pudans.
Morgan is a creative and social media specialist for our team. She is currently attending SCTCC and is looking to earn her Advertising Communication and Design degree. Morgan is originally from the great state of Iowa! In her free time she enjoys being outdoors, hunting, fishing, horseback riding and running.
One of Morgan’s career goals is to work for a local ad agency or perhaps even be self employed. Another career goal of hers is to do design work for and archery brand like Mathews, or for Cruel Girl Jeans. If Morgan could either have the ability to fly or read people’s minds she would choose to fly, because she would save so much money on gas. If she could go back to any time era, she would go back to the Wild Wild West era, because horses were the only form of transportation. If Morgan could only have one meal for the rest of her life, she would have homemade buffalo chicken pizza.
Morgan is inspired by her mom, because she is the strongest person she knows. Her favorite word is sweet; if she could learn to do anything she would learn how to garden successfully, and when asked the question: Where’s Waldo? she replied with, “In Jeff’s Beard”.
That is this week’s first Northway Spotlight Morgan Pudans.
Check back later this week for another Northway Spotlight!
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