Thursday, April 2, 2015

Melissa Jokela
This week’s second Northway Spotlight features Melissa Jokela.
Melissa is a lead Creative for our group. She is currently attending SCTCC and is looking to earn her Advertising Communication & Design degree. Melissa is originally from Hutchinson, Minnesota. In her free time she enjoys, reading, writing, playing video games, watching Netflix, surfing the web, and hanging out with friends. Some of Melissa’s career goals are to be a creative at an innovative ad agency, as well as work with animation and web design. 
If Melissa could have the ability to fly or the ability to read people’s minds, she would choose to fly. If she could go back to any time era she would go back to the Medieval times. If Melissa could only have one meal for the rest of her life, she would have a bacon cheeseburger, fries and a Dr. Pepper. She is inspired by seeing her friends artwork, as well as other design work online. Melissa’s favorite word is periwinkle. If she could learn to do anything she would learn how to play the piano or guitar. When asked the question: Where’s Waldo? Melissa responded with, “Exploring dangerous ruins”.
That is this week’s Northway Spotlight Melissa Jokela.

Check back next week for another Northway Spotlight, where we feature the members of The Northway Group!

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