Ellie Oleen
Ellie is a creative for our group. She is currently attending SCTCC and is looking to earn her Advertising Communication & Design degree. She is from Milaca, Minnesota. In her free time she enjoys snowboarding, hanging out with friends, fishing, drawing, reading, spending time with family and rock climbing.
One of Ellie’s career goals is to be the head of advertising or public relations for a small company, like a resort. If she could either have the ability to fly or the ability to read people’s minds, she would choose to fly. If she could go back to any time period she would go back to the roaring 20’s because of the carefree, fun-loving glamor. If Ellie could only have one meal for the rest of her life, she would have mashed potatoes, Perkins pancakes and a raspberry iced tea. Ellie is inspired by Jennifer Anniston, her favorite word is shenanigans and if she could learn to do one thing, she would learn to snowboard. When asked the question, Where’s Waldo? Ellie responded with: “Trying to find Marco?”.
That is this week’s second and final Northway Spotlight of the semester, Ellie Oleen.
Check back this Fall where there will be a new group of Northway members and Spotlights.